Friday, January 12, 2007

Chris Webber in Detroit!

Even though I told you that Chris Webber said that he will not be coming to Detroit, there are still talks about him wearing the red, white, and blue. No I'm not talking about the America flag. I hope that I'm wrong!!!! It's not that I have anything against C. Webb or anything, but right now it doesn't seem like he fit for this team. I know what you are probably saying, neither does anyone else right now, and that's true. If C. Webb is coming to the motor city he could be taking Antonio Mcdyess or Dale Davis spot. I will be so devastated if he were to take Antonio Spot, because I love him very much (yes I have a huge crush on him). But other than that I really fell that Antonio is right for this team and I just hope and pray that this year he will win the championship, because he is much deserving. Actually, I don't want to see any of my guys leaving the D. In order to save themselves and the rest of the team they have to play a lot better and I mean a lot. But to say it may be too late for that now. The trading deadlines end in february only a month away. I guess we have to wait and see.

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